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What Do We Look for in a Potential New Team Member?

core values graphic

We are always looking for energetic, driven, patient-centric individuals to join our dental team. We strongly believe that each team member creates value in their role by maximizing their skills and knowledge. We also seek individuals who believe and live by our core values, which are positivity, ethical action, working for the greater good, fun, creating value, results-oriented effort, and teamwork. Individuals who desire to be the best person they can be and have a commitment to excellence are the team members we are looking for.

Our team members are stewards of our practice’s positive reputation in our community. They support, encourage, and empower one another and understand the importance of celebrating each other’s wins and successes. We realize that not all of our potential team members who believe in our core values come with a dental background and experience, so we are committed to growing a coachable applicant who shows potential and has a long-term desire to have a career in the dental profession.

What Family Dental Associates Has to Offer:

  • A fun, positive, challenging, and supportive work environment
  • Career possibility with advancement opportunities
  • A competitive salary with a comprehensive benefits package: health insurance, family dental care, paid vacations, paid personal days, 401(k) plan, incentive, and bonus plans
  • Travel and continuing education opportunities
  • Opportunity to serve amazing patients and have a positive impact on our community
  • A convenient, flexible work schedule that will support you both personally and professionally
  • A forward-thinking, technology-driven, health-focused dental practice delivering amazing dentistry to our communities

Come into the office or contact us at 918-542-3337 for more information!

Contact us for an appointment