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Welcome to Your Best Smile

Family Dental Associates offers comprehensive dental care for your entire family. Our experienced dentists and team are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy smile. We invite you to explore our services using the links below and call today to make your appointment with Dr. Mark Folks and Dr. Matthew Keim in Miami, Oklahoma.

Meet the Doctors

Mark Folks, DDS & Matthew A. Keim, DDS

At Family Dental Associates Miami OK, our mission is to provide you with the highest quality care, education, and atmosphere, enabling you to make the best decisions for your smile long after leaving the office.

Mark Folks, DDS, has practiced dentistry in our area since 2002. Dr. Folks’ renowned expertise and patient care have earned him membership in the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the Oklahoma Dental Association. Dr. Folks has advanced training in orthodontics and implant dentistry, and his goal is to improve his patients’ quality of life with a beautiful, healthy smile.

Matthew Keim, DDS, began practicing dentistry in the area in 2002. Dr. Keim earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree at the Oklahoma College of dentistry. He stays up to date on the newest trends and technologies in the dental industry to provide the latest and greatest dental care for his patients. A certified member of the American Dental Association, Dr. Keim’s primary goal is to give his patients optimal oral health and a smile of which they feel proud.

Your Comfort Is Our Top Priority

We believe patient comfort is critical to an excellent dental experience. We accommodate our patients with a warm, welcoming environment where they feel cared for and secure every step of the way. From your first appointment to when you leave our office, our friendly team will remain sensitive to your needs, ensuring you have everything you need for a satisfying experience. We’ll provide you and your family with the dental care you need in the most inviting atmosphere.

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